Monday, October 3, 2011

Excepting Reality

I know its been a really long time sense i have wrote anything. Been busy and lazy and not motivated this the only honest reason i can give. But today I was in the mood to write something. All my writing is usually about him. And of course this one is too. Not as dark other my other writings are but it honest. So know its yours to read thank for taking the time if you did.

Excepting Reality
By: Chad Boyd

I live a life of dreams
Not sure where to go from here
Always lost in this world
Until I am found
I am nothing but who I am
A darkness follows me
Like everyone else
Yet I have fear and not
Excepting reality
But my dreams still hold me
A boy with silly dreams I am
That never changes here
Anger still fills me
Learning control is the key
Again Excepting reality
This path I must walk alone
I will find myself on the other side
Will I like me then?
That is the dream and hope
I see no reason not to
Excepting reality
I been on this path for so long
Sometimes its all I know
There is fear if it ends
But every path has it's end
Its time for me to reach mine
Not death but life at the end
But what kind of life
That is the fear
A fear that consumes me
Excepting reality
Fear of the unknown is always here
Its a part of this path I take
So I learn with each step I take
I will surpass this
This is my quest
Searching for myself
And I already found honesty
So I walk on this path until the end
Until that time comes
The only answer is
Excepting reality