Friday, May 13, 2011

My review of the new album by Ohgr called Undeveloped

   First i have to say it was awesome that this album came out on my birthday!!! May 10th 2011. Even though i'm a huge metal head. I always loved Skinny Puppy and Nivek Ogre solo project spelled Ohgr is awesome as well. Nivek Ogre and Mark Walk are Ohgr. And Mark Walk is newest member of Skinny puppy as well for the last 2 albums and the up coming one as well.

   Now Ohgr last album Devils In My Details was a very different album for them. A lot of people did not like it. Grated Nivek Ogre just finish acting and singing in the movie Repo! The Genetic Opera so Devil In My Details sounded a lot like the movie a little bit. Now i listen to it with open mind and liked it but not my favorite but still a cool album.  
   But This new album Undeveloped is just pure awesome! Nivek Ogre and Mark Walk did a kick ass  job on this album. This sounds like more like Ohgr's first 2 albums. I also just love the harmony in Nivek Ogre vocal work on this album. Really i just love this whole album but here a few tracks i will talk about.
The song called 101 open this album great. Awesome music by Nivek Ogre and Mark Walk. And funny catchy chorus line in this song "Who Do I have to Fuck I don't know"
The song called Crash the intro of this song i was told it was the real 911 call of Michael Jackson. The song Crash itself is about if you get to many fake stuff or be fake in this case like you might crash like Michael Jackson. This song remind me a lot of Ohgr first album Welt musically and vocally again an awesome song here.
The song called Pissage started off with some cool deep kind of spoken word in rhythm vocals by Ogre which might be confused with a rap like vocal work but that one of his styles. The song then kicks in with heavy chorus with very cool drum work the electronic sounds are just amazing. 
The Song called Comedown Starts off with Ogre very slow vocal work with some cool re verb with  electronic music industrial of course again reminding me of Ohgr's first album Welt. I can't say this enough another awesome song! Ogre's vocal and harmony is just awesome!
The Song called Screwme starts off with some cool slow piano then movie into some cool industrial work here. Again the harmony in Ogre's vocals reminds of of the first album once again. A great song to move your head to. When the chorus of this song kicks in just great i got chills hearing it to first time. 
The song called Bellew begins with a catchy industrial electronic tone. Ogre starts off with slow deep vocal work. A very cool laid back song on this album.
The song called Hollow start off with some really cool brake dancing like beats. Again Ogre comes  in with some kick ass cool vocal work here.
The song called Tragek is also at the end of this blog i found it on you/tube check it out but my thoughts are i really love the drum work that starts with this song. Just a kick ass song  another powerful chorus in this song with harmony vocal work Ogre style! Just a powerful song!!
The Song called Animist i love the build up on this song the music and Ogre voice as well. When the song kicks in just awesome. Great rhythm which can be said to ever song on this album!!!
The Song called Nitwitz just jump in with Ogre vocalizing very catchy song  and chorus as well. Now if you have the CD verstion like i do there is a hidden track called Collidoskope a very awesome hidden track !!

Well i think i went through almost all the tracks on the album. Some tracks are cool intos to the songs. Right now it its one of my favorite Ohgr albums! So if you like industrial music and Skinny Puppy what are you doing reading this blog? Go out and get your hands on this awesome album by Ohgr right now!!!
Also the pics here i found over the internet of Ogre. Also here is the song Tragek you can hear from you/tube:::
Hope you enjoyed my reivew of this Ohgr album kick ass work to Mark walk and Nivek Ogre!! I'm very much look forward to the new Skinny puppy album this fall too!!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Well I am now the big 3 3

     Yep i'm the big 3 3 now. Birthday today. I honestly had to think the other day about how old i was LOL. So i really don't care about the number LOL. Well its been an ok day i guess. Just really sat around watching some TV shows i'm behind on. It still freaking hot in my house too so i sweated all day as well. I don't like that much at all. But right now nothing i can do about it. Yes i have 3 fans blowing in my room and still i sweat bad! The last 2 days my hair was soaking wet when i got out of bed.
   Well other than those things the day like i said was pretty good. Now i'm at work now listening to some music which is awesome. Oh i will add one of my favorite vocalist came out with their new solo album today on my birthday!!! That would be the album of Ohgr. Ogre is the lead vocalist of the industrial band Skinny Puppy!! So i'm waiting on that to come in the mail now. Yes i'm still very much a metal head. But i love old school industrial bands like Skinny Puppy they rule. I just find out they are coming out with a new album this fall too!!!! Yes very excited about both those albums.
    Well that pretty much all that has been going on the day of my 33th year of life and on this world. I'm very happy to be with my girlfriend Lisa! Love her very much! Been together about year and half now in Oct it will be 2 years. I am very grateful to have her in my life! Oh and i also pre ordered the new Hammerfall album too looking forward to that as well! But anyway that all i have to say about today its been good. Just all my very close friend live in other states. it would of been to cool to hang out with any of them today. But its ok i know i will get to hang out with them at some point someday.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Burning with the fire

I know it been a while sents i wrote one of these. The last was on my myspace page in Sept of 2010 so i might be a little rusty but here is what i threw together today::::::

Burning with the fire
By: Chad Boyd 5/2/11

Running from something
The scent of danger everywhere
Lost and confused with everything
No time to stop
Time to run and hide
I have nothing left inside
The fires are still chasing me
To the unknown reality
A world on fire
I am nothing I have nothing
To lose
But not winning the battle
That is inside me
I have reach my limit
I must run away now
The fire burns me
The pain wakes me
I see everything
Burning with the fire
Questions in my mind
Whats left to do
But to run and hide
Why must I feel this way
Helpless confused and alone
Running into the unknown
I stop and turn to the fire
Time to stand up now
I will not be afraid no longer
Yes I will burn Yes there will be pain
But I will not hide behind the shadows
I will not stay silent from what must be said
This world is on fire
Let it burn I will still be here
Standing before the fire
Making my stand to the unknown
What are you waiting for?
I am right here
So burn me
Is that all you got?
I am still here
Even when I am gone from this world
Another shall take my place
Maybe one day the fire will be gone
Maybe there will be peace
For now I am just
Burning with the fire