Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why should I feel stupid for liking the ORIGINAL Conan the Barbarian movie? well i don't...

   Ok i have to talk about something that been on my mind and really bugging me. Now i know there is a new Conan movie coming out. Ok let me rephrase that A remake of Conan. Yes there is big differences to me. One I don't care how many people did not like the ORIGINAL Conan The Barbarian. I love that move. I think its awesome the way it is!   I am a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not only them remaking  a move that already kick ass in my eyes bugs me, but me and a friend of mine got into argument about this.
  One they are not a fan of  the ORIGINAL Conan The Barbarian. Grated i never read the comics or the books, but even if i did i would see Arnold as Conan i grew up with it. They said Conan was never the big as Arnold in the story. I'm like so what its a movie. They also said today they can make a better movie. I still say whats wrong with the ORIGINAL? Well they comment on Arnold's acting. Well he was just looking cool in the movie to me. I love how he swings the sword around. They comment on the special effects. Granted back then they could not do what they can now in that area. So they had to get created about it back then. I see nothing wrong with that. Honestly there were a lot of things they said what is wrong with the ORIGINAL Conan but i find myself just shut off and not listen to what they said. And it seems like in not so many words trying to make me feel stupid for i liking the ORIGINAL Conan. It was pissing me off!!!

Yeah they might be valid points or whatever but i even told them i do not care i like the ORIGINAL. Am i not a loud to like something? Am I not a loud to have my own opinion? To be honest yes there are some things i will be very anal about. Like this thing should be like this or that and stuff. So i know where my friend coming from. But what i don't like is in there words saying another way how stupid i am for liking the ORIGINAL over a remake i have not seen. I don't do that to people. I'm just well i like it. And its ok if you don't. No i have not seen the new one due to it not being out yet. But even if i do see it. I will have to watch is as i different movie.
  Ok lets take the remake of Clash Of the Titans. I have seen both visions of that move. And i hated the remake big time. But watching it as a different movie its good. I'm not saying the remake of Conan will be a bad movie per say it might be interesting. But I always will love the ORIGINAL best.

Also i think another reason they are all about the remake is they have the hotts for the guy playing Conan. But what ever floats your boat. I should not have to feel stupid for liking something i like. Something i grew up with. A part of my childhood and now that is happy good part!.
   So its ok not to like the ORIGINAL Conan but its also ok for me to love and say i don't think i will enjoy the new one as much. I seem to not like remakes. One i'm huge Friday The 13th fan I hated the remake so bad i will not even bootleg it. That was just wrong in so many ways to make a remake out of that one.
   Ok i feel better now to get that out in the open. Now i know a lot of people will probably agree with my friend that is cool. But just saying now your not going to talk me out of liking a movie that i would rebuy on blue/ray if i ever get a blue/ray player.
  So i thought i would share what was bugging about that. So anyway i'm still at work. 2 hours to go listening to some music which is cool. A new band to me my friend Sean got me into they are called The Project Hate very cool stuff. well bye for now

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